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Sellers Agent Las Cruces

Choosing the right sellers agent in Las Cruces is important for your success as a homeowner. My experience and expertise as a licensed professional in the real estate industry have been dedicated to this market. I can help you learn the difference between getting top dollar and settling for less on a free call at your convenience. There’s no commitment, and you’ll benefit greatly.

In an industry where more than 90% of deals are made by less than 10% of agents, experience does matter. My expertise in property valuation is the first step in showing you what you can get from a home sale, but it doesn’t stop there. I have a team of dedicated professionals to help me help you through every phase of the selling process.

My team consists of home inspectors, contractors, and mortgage specialists who can visit your property on day one. They’ll determine if it makes sense to fix anything before we list your home on the MLS. Any repairs needed to pass a bank inspection stand between you and your buyer’s ability to use a bank loan. If the numbers work, I’ll recommend you do specific repairs first so I can advertise your home as “approved for buyer financing.” This gets buyers and their agents on our side during negotiations.

As your seller’s agent in Las Cruces, you stand to see our home get the most offers on the first day of listing on the MLS. We’ll work together to consider all details and negotiate with them until we get your best offer. When we do, my title companies will help me ensure a speedy, error-free close that puts real dollars in your very real pocket quickly.

  • Work with a seller’s agent in Las Cruces who can orchestrate your winning home sale.